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How to Convert VitalSource Books to PDF Format
VitalSource is a popular platform for e-textbooks that allows students and educators to access their books online or offline. However, some users may prefer to have their books in PDF format for easier reading, printing, or sharing. In this article, we will show you how to convert VitalSource books to PDF format using different methods.
Method 1: Use VitalSource Converter
VitalSource Converter is a tool that can convert VitalSource books to PDF files with one click. It works with Bookshelf app v10.x and creates a new non-DRM protected PDF file that can be read on any device. The new PDF file also supports text search and copy. This method is recommended for VitalSource books that are in PDF format (pbk) originally.
To use this method, you need to:
Download and install VitalSource Converter from here[^1^].
Run Bookshelf app, login and open the book you want to convert. Click \"Contents\" button on the left toolbar to hide the contents panel. Resize the Bookshelf window height as the windows desktop height.
Run VitalSource Converter, click \"Capture\" button to start the conversion. It will go through all pages and create a new PDF file.
Open the new PDF file in your preferred PDF reader and adjust the zoom level for better viewing.
Method 2: Use Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine is an application that can modify values in other applications, such as video games. It can also be used to bypass the print limit of VitalSource books and print the entire book to PDF. This method is suitable for VitalSource books that are in EPUB format (epub) originally.
To use this method, you need to:
Download and install Cheat Engine from here.
Run Bookshelf app, login and open the book you want to convert. Click \"Print\" button on the top toolbar and select \"Print Preview\". Note the first page and last page numbers of the book.
Run Cheat Engine, click the computer icon on the top left corner and select Bookshelf.exe from the process list. Click \"Open\".
In Cheat Engine, click \"Scan Type\" and select \"Exact Value\". Enter the first page number of the book in the \"Value\" box and click \"First Scan\". You should see some results on the left panel.
In Bookshelf app, change the first page number to a different value and click \"Update\". In Cheat Engine, enter the new value in the \"Value\" box and click \"Next Scan\". Repeat this step until you have only a few results (usually 3) on the left panel.
In Cheat Engine, select all the results on the left panel and click the red arrow button to move them to the bottom panel. Double-click each value on the bottom panel and change it to 0 (the cover page of the book).
In Cheat Engine, repeat steps 4-6 for the last page number of the book. Change all the values on the bottom panel to the last page number of the book.
In Bookshelf app, click \"Print\" button on the top toolbar and select \"Print\". Choose a virtual PDF printer (such as Microsoft Print to PDF) and save the file.
Open the PDF file in your preferred PDF reader and run OCR (optical character recognition) if you want to enable text search and copy.
Method 3: Use Vitalsource Printer
Vitalsource Printer is a Python script that can simulate clicking next page and taking screenshots of all pages in VitalSource books. It then combines all screenshots into a single PDF file. This method is simple but slow, and it may not produce high-quality PDF files.
To use this method, you need to:
Download and install Python from here.
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