Ibm Imm Activation Key 743
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How to Obtain and Install an IBM IMM Activation Key
If you have an IBM server that uses the Integrated Management Module (IMM) for remote management, you may need to obtain and install an activation key to access some advanced features, such as remote control or virtual media. This article will guide you through the steps to get and apply an IBM IMM activation key.
What is an IBM IMM Activation Key
An IBM IMM activation key is a file that enables certain features on the IMM web interface. The IMM is a hardware component that provides out-of-band management for IBM servers, such as monitoring, configuration, and troubleshooting. The IMM also allows you to access the server console remotely, as well as mount virtual media devices, such as CD-ROMs or USB drives.
However, some of these features require a valid activation key to be installed on the IMM. The activation key is a feature on demand (FoD) product that can be purchased separately from the server. The activation key is specific to the machine type and serial number of the server, and cannot be transferred to another server.
How to Obtain an IBM IMM Activation Key
To obtain an IBM IMM activation key, you need to visit the IBM Features on Demand website You need to log in if you already have an account or sign up if you don't. You also need to have your IBM site number and sales order number that are associated with your server purchase. You can find these numbers on your proof of entitlement (PoE) certificate that was sent by IBM by email or hardcopy at the time of purchase.
Once you log in, you can choose the \"Retrieve history\" option and then choose \"Search history via machine type serial number\" as the search type. You need to enter your machine type and serial number without any spaces in the search value. The machine type should be four digits and the serial number should be seven alphanumeric characters. For example, if your server is a PureData System for Analytics with machine type 7433 and serial number 1234567, you would enter 74331234567 in the search value.
After you enter the values and hit continue, you will see a list of license keys that were installed on your server. The FoD key you are looking for is \"Integrated Management Module Advanced Upgrade\". You can mark this key and choose to download it. The file will have a .key extension and will typically contain the machine type and serial number in the file name. For example, 74331234567_IMMAU.key.
How to Install an IBM IMM Activation Key
To install an IBM IMM activation key, you need to log on to the IMM web interface using your browser. You can access the IMM web interface by entering the IP address of the IMM in your browser's address bar. You need to have a valid user name and password to log on to the IMM web interface.
Once you log on, you need to choose IMM Management > Activation Key Management from the menu. You will see a list of keys that are currently installed on the IMM. To add a new key, you need to choose Add.. and browse for the FoD key file that you downloaded from the IBM Features on Demand website. You will get a message indicating that the file has been added successfully.
After adding the file, you may consider rebooting the IMM to ensure changes are pushed. This will only restart the IMM interface and has no impact on production. To reboot the IMM, you need to choose IMM Management > Restart IMM from the menu. The IMM will take three to five minutes until it is restarted during this time the web UI is inaccessible.
In this article, we have explained what an IBM IMM activation key is, how to obtain it from the IBM Features on Demand website, and how to install it on the IMM web interface. By installing an IBM IMM activation key, you can enable advanced features on your IBM server, such as remote control or virtual media. 061ffe29dd